A - 5
Jumper JP11/JP12
Jumpers JP11 and JP12 are for the clear to send (CTS), Data
set ready (DSR) and data carrier detect (DCD) handshaking
lines of the RS-232C serial ports: JP11 for port 1 and JP12 for
port 2. These are outputs from the SPM module to the DTE
Normally, the CTS signal is output in response to receiving a
RTS signal. Since the SPM module assumes a true RTS signal
at all times, the CTS signal is active when the machine fault
timer (MFT) is normal and the software initializes the ACIA cir-
cuit. For the serial port module, the DSR and DCD signals are
synonymous with the CTS signal because of an overlap in SPM
signal definition. All three signals are generated at a common
Bailey Controls software does
provide these signals. When
the SPM module is connected to Bailey Controls equipment,
place a jumper across pins 1 and 2 of JP11 and JP12. This sets
the output lines at +12 VDC.
For applications requiring this output, place the jumpers
across pins 2 and 3 of JP11 or JP12. This causes the SPM
module to output a logic 1 when the MFT circuit is normal and
the ACIA circuit is initialized.
Jumpers JP9/JP10
Jumpers JP9 and JP10 set the RS-232-C serial port output
baud rate: JP9 for port 1 and JP10 for port 2. To select a baud
rate, place a jumper across the pins next to the desired rate for
each port. Figure
shows the location of jumpers JP9 and
JP10, and provides a cross reference for jumper to baud rate
selection. When the SPM module is used with a Bailey Controls
work station, set the baud rate at 9.6 kilobaud. Refer to the
product instruction for the computer system you are using for
the required baud rate setting.