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There are four versions of the Digital Slave Output (DSO) mod-
ule; this instruction discusses the IMDSO04. The difference
between this version and the IMDSO01/02/03 is in the output
circuitry and switching capabilities. Refer to Product Instruc-
tion I-E96-310 for information on the IMDSO01/02/03.
The Digital Slave Output module (IMDSO04) outputs sixteen
digital signals from the Infi 90 system to control a process. It is
an interface between the process and the Infi 90 Process Man-
agement System. The signals provide digital switching (ON or
OFF) for field devices. Master modules perform the control
functions; slave modules provide the I/O.
This manual explains the purpose, operation and maintenance
of the slave module. It addresses handling precautions and
installation procedures. Figure
illustrates the Infi 90 com-
munication levels and the position of the Digital Slave Output
(DSO) module within these levels.
System engineers and technicians should read this manual
before installing and operating the DSO module. A module
be put into operation until this instruction is
read and understood. You can refer to the Table of Contents to
find specific information after the module is operating.
The DSO consists of a single printed circuit board (PCB) that
occupies one slot in a Module Mounting Unit (MMU). It outputs
sixteen separate digital signals through solid state circuits on
the PCB. Twelve outputs are isolated from each other; the
remaining two pairs share common positive output lines.
Two captive screws on the faceplate secure the module to the
MMU. A front panel LED indicates the module operating sta-
tus. Sixteen front panel LEDs (group A and group B) display
the module output states (ON or OFF).
The slave module has three connection points for external sig-
nals and power (P1, P2 and P3). P1 connects to logic power (+5
VDC) that drives the module circuits (refer to Table
). P2
connects it to the slave expander bus to communicate with a
master module (refer to Table
). The digital signals are
output through connector P3 using a cable connected to a