Operation Modes
The configuration of the system is generally done by using the PC-based FMS Software . Only some special functions like the
operation modes are set at the Master Keypad .
RF System with PC Operation Mode
In this mode the PC is used to configure the system entities and install the network . The PC will be used to enter work orders
for processing and provide the queuing for future processing . When an operator processes a work order the PC will validate
the work order number and provide the fluid and amount to be dispensed . The results of the dispense will then be stored on
the PC .
RF System with Host Operation Mode
In this mode the PC is used to configure the system entities and install the network .
The host will be used to enter work orders for processing and provide the queuing for future processing . It will also store
the dispense results that have been completed . Dispense results can be additionally stored on the PC . When an operator
processes a work order the host will validate the work order number and provide the fluid and amount to be dispensed .
Standalone Mode
Work orders will not be validated; each entered work order will be accepted by the system . Data will be stored in the Master
Keypad’s memory .
Each meter can only be associated to one Dispense Keypad . Only dispense and keypad supervisors can access each
of the Dispense Keypads .
Wall-Mounting The Keypad
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December 2014