Manual Part Number:
Revision Level: A
ECO 8541
File Name: MN-A-0177
Page iv
For Your Safety:
INSTALLATION OR OPERATION! Attempting to operate the Model
5124BE-N1-WO without fully understanding its features and functions
may result in unsafe conditions.
Always use protective eye wear and observe proper safety procedures when working with
pressurized gases.
Always assure the pressure of gas entering the Model 5124BE-N1-WO sensor is 1-10 psig.
Always calibrate the Model 5124BE-N1-WO at an equivalent pressure and flow rate to the
measured gas. Maximum pressure should not exceed 10 psig.
Always allow the Model 5124BE-N1-WO to cool down before attempting to access the sensor.
Never expose the Model 5124BE-N1-WO analyzer or the remote sensor chassis to water, high
humidity or moisture. The analyzer chassis is not watertight.
Never expose the Model 5124BE-N1-WO analyzer or the remote sensor to flame or high
Never expose the Model 5124BE-N1-WO analyzer or the remote sensor to flammable gases or
vapors. The unit is not rated Explosion Proof, or Intrinsically Safe.
Never expose the Model 5124BE-N1-WO sensor module directly to unregulated gas lines,
cylinder gas. High gas pressures may cause the sensor components to rupture.
Ensure the analyzer and the remote sensor unit is mounted in an area of free airflow to prevent
the chassis from exceeding the operating temperature specifications. Do not mount the
analyzer against hot surfaces. Do not block the ventilation louver on the analyzer chassis.