V1.02 Revised 12/17/2020
Stage 3
Stage 3 of service for this machine would be helping the customer solve a more serious issues such as
the sensor or valve needs a replacement or there is a fault on either of the motor. This stage would be
identical with stage 2, the difference is that we can remotely access and change the bit on the PLC. To
access this stage, please contact engineering department for access and remotely operate the machine.
This stage will also provide us the ability to change the torque limit value of the saw and carriage. Please
be aware and remind the customer that if this value is changed and is requested by the customer, the
warranty of the machine will be void.
This stage also gives another access for different watch tables called Debug(EngineeringOnly)(Figure
2.3.1). Please contact engineering department if stage 3 is needed.
Figure 2.3.1
Stage 4
Stage 4 of service is for major issues in the machine. Example of major issues such as require
replacement of saw motor or carriage motor, require replacement of Saw VFD or carriage VFD, require
replacement of PLC, etc.
Please contact engineering if stage 4 is needed. Before contacting the engineering department, make
sure all the previous step is attempted and completed.