V1.02 Revised 12/17/2020
Figure 2.1.3
Stage 1
Stage 1 of service for this machine would be helping the customer to solve minor issues. Some of this
problem would be a misunderstanding of how the machine works or minor sensor or valve issues. With
this service stage, you can ask the customer to look at LED on the PLC or as well as indicator on the
sensor or the valve if it does what it suppose to do.
Stage 2
Stage 2 of service for this machine would be helping the customer solve a more serious issues such as
the sensor or valve need a replacement or there is a fault on the either motor. With this service stage,
you can ask customer to connect the ethernet switch to their laptop, ask them to provide a team viewer
id and password so we can access the PLC by using their computer web access. Below is a step by step to
access the PLC through the web access:
Press “Advanced” and press “Proceed to”
Figure (2.1.1)
Once the page is loaded up, press enter. Figure (2.1.2)
Open watch tables and based on the problem there are different watch tables that you can
access. (Figure 2.1.3)
For valve and sensor issues, open “InputOutput_Status”
For saw communication issues, open “SawVFD_CyclicStatus”
For carriage communication issues, open
For saw fault, open “SawVFD_Status”
For carriage fault, open “CarriageVFD_Status”
Figure 2.1.1
Figure 2.1.2