W W W . B A L T I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M . A U
M A R 2 1 0 - 2
Recommended Cleaning Procedure
Stainless steel needs to be cleaned regularly to maintain the corrosion
resistance as well as to maintain the overall aesthetics of the stainless steel.
It is fairly simple to clean most contaminants off the surface of stainless
steel. Most dirt and soil can be cleaned with a clean cloth, warm water,
and mild detergent. For persistent dirt, a little vinegar can be added
in the cleaning water. It is important to always rinse the surface with
warm water and wipe with a dry cloth after any cleaning, whether
mild or aggressive.
• Fingerprints, mild stains or grease spots can be cleaned using
organic solvents such as acetone, methyl or ethyl alcohol, or mineral
spirits. Stainless steel wipes or glass cleaners commonly available in
stores may also be used.
• Occasionally the surface of stainless steel can get iron chips or
shavings embedded in it from having galvanized steel machined
or welded in the vicinity. The iron chips can start to rust, reducing
the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel, and stain the surface
giving the impression that the stainless steel is rusting.
These types of contaminants require more aggressive cleaning.
Mild abrasives such as Scotch-Brite™ products may be used where
aesthetic considerations are not important followed by solvent cleaning
with organic solvents as described above. It is important to rinse the
surface with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth after cleaning.
• If the iron chips are not removed with the Scotch-Brite™ Products,
electro-chemical cleaning may be required. BAC uses commercially
available equipment for electro-chemical cleaning in the field.
Contact your local BAC Representative for more information.
System Cleaning
System Cleaning for RCF Models
Prior to start-up, the condenser water systems through a closed circuit
cooling tower can be cleaned using an alkaline solution. When cleaning,
follow the necessary precautions:
• Limit the duration of the cleaning to one day or at the most two days.
• The temperature of the solution should never exceed 38°C.
• The maximum concentration of chemicals in the circulation solution
should not exceed any of the following: