8.2 Grupa 0+ (0-13 kg): montaż tyłem do kierunku jazdy przy pomocy systemu
1. Wciśnij przycisk ISOFIX, aby wysunąć ramiona.
2. Włóż ramiona do uchwytów ISOFIX w samochodzie. Usłyszysz charakterystyczne
kliknięcie, oznaczające poprawne zamocowanie. Na obydwu ramionach wskaźnik
powinien być zielony.
3. Wyciągnij górny pas mocujący fotelika i przymocuj hak w jeden z trzech pozycji
pokazanych poniżej. Naciągnij pas i upewnij się, że jest poprawnie zamocowany.
8.3 Grupa 1 (9-18 kg): montaż przodem do kierunku jazdy przy pomocy systemu
ISOFIX, 3-punktowych pasów bezpieczeństwa pojazdu z 5-punktowymi pasami
8.3.1 Upewnij się, że 5-punktowe pasy fotelika zostały prawidłowo zamontowane.
8.3.2 Umieść fotelik na siedzeniu pojazdu przodem do kierunku jazdy.
8.3.3 Wciśnij przycisk ISOFIX aby wyciągnąć ramiona mocujące
8.3.4 Chwyć fotelik dwoma rękami i wsuń obie prowadnice w przelotki. Po
prawidłowym zatrzaśnięciu usłyszysz kliknięcie z dwóch stron.
UWAGA! Prowadnice są prawidłowo zablokowane dopiero wtedy, gdy oba przyciski
bezpieczeństwa są całkowicie zielone.
8.3.5 Aby upewnić się, że fotelik został bezpiecznie zamontowany, potrząśnij
nim. Ponownie sprawdź zielone przyciski bezpieczeństwa, aby upewnić się, że są
całkowicie zielone.
7.2 Group1(9-18kg) installed in the forward
facing position with 5 point ISO-FIX-
+vehicle belt
7.2.1 Make sure that the child seat’s 5-point
harness is installed correctly
7.2.2 Place the child seat facing in the
direction of travel on the vehicle seat.
7.2.3 Pull out the ISO-FIX locking arm from the
under of base.
7.2.4 Grasp the child seat with both hands and
slide the two locking arms into the insert
guides until the locking arms engage with a
noise on both sides. The green safety
button must now be visible on both sides.
The locking arms are only correctly
engaged if both of the safety buttons are
completely green.
7.2.5 Shake the child safety seat to make sure
it is safely attached and re-check the green
safety buttons to make sure that both of them
are completely green.
7.1 Group 0 +(0-13kg) installed in the
rearward facing position with 5 point harness
+ vehicle belt
7.1.1 Pull the vehicle seat belt and pass the lap
belt section through the red belt guidance and
under the sleeping cushion.
7.1.2 Pass the diagonal seat belt section
through the blue guidance on the back of the
child seat.
7.1.3 Fasten the seat belt and pull it tight,en-
sure that the seat belt is not twisted.
1.The child seat must only be installed in the
rearward facing position and angle of
maximum inclination(Fourth level).For be sure
the car seat has been installed in the right
place,please shake it before use.
2.Don not twist the belt!
3.Ensure the buckle tongues engage in the
vehicle seat buckle,you will hear an audible
Pas barkowy
Pas biodrowy
Pas biodrowy
Pas barkowy
7.2 Group1(9-18kg) installed in the forward
facing position with 5 point ISO-FIX-
+vehicle belt
7.2.1 Make sure that the child seat’s 5-point
harness is installed correctly
7.2.2 Place the child seat facing in the
direction of travel on the vehicle seat.
7.2.3 Pull out the ISO-FIX locking arm from the
under of base.
7.2.4 Grasp the child seat with both hands and
slide the two locking arms into the insert
guides until the locking arms engage with a
noise on both sides. The green safety
button must now be visible on both sides.
The locking arms are only correctly
engaged if both of the safety buttons are
completely green.
7.2.5 Shake the child safety seat to make sure
it is safely attached and re-check the green
safety buttons to make sure that both of them
are completely green.
7.1 Group 0 +(0-13kg) installed in the
rearward facing position with 5 point harness
+ vehicle belt
7.1.1 Pull the vehicle seat belt and pass the lap
belt section through the red belt guidance and
under the sleeping cushion.
7.1.2 Pass the diagonal seat belt section
through the blue guidance on the back of the
child seat.
7.1.3 Fasten the seat belt and pull it tight,en-
sure that the seat belt is not twisted.
1.The child seat must only be installed in the
rearward facing position and angle of
maximum inclination(Fourth level).For be sure
the car seat has been installed in the right
place,please shake it before use.
2.Don not twist the belt!
3.Ensure the buckle tongues engage in the
vehicle seat buckle,you will hear an audible
Pas barkowy
Pas biodrowy
Pas biodrowy
Pas barkowy