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Mounting of suspension to the ceiling:
The following applies to all types of ceiling:
Suspension must be reliable and tightly fixed to the
ceiling and shall resist a heavy load. Rotting, defective
ceilings or ceilings that are for any other reason not able
to steadily withstand a load must not be used for moun-
ting. If in doubt, please check the ceiling with qualified
assistance and have mounting carried out by an expert.
Concrete ceilings:
• Drill a hole measuring approx. 10mm wide and 70mm
deep with a concrete drill bit and insert the supplied
Dowel. The lower end of the Dowel shall butt against
the ceiling.
• Then screw the supplied Ring Bolt into the ceiling until
the distance between ceiling and Ring is 1cm.
Wooden ceiling beam:
• If wood is used, please pre-drill. Use a drill with a
diameter that correspond to the core diameter of the
screw (8mm).
• Then screw the supplied Ring Bolt into the ceiling until
the distance between ceiling and Ring is 1cm.
For any other kind of ceiling:
e.g. Gypsum, hollow ceilings, solid wood, etc. please
consult an expert.
You may alternatively use our floor stand.
! Important: Please test the mounted Ring Bolt before
use! Place as possible the burden of your full body
weight on it. The Ring Bolt has to be firmly fixed and
must not exhibit any clearance !
Montage Baby Hammock:
You will find more safety instructions on page 11
1. Please attach the Spring together with Chain and
accessories to the Ring Bolt. Pay attention that the Ka-
rabiner is closed and all individual parts are arranged
as shown in the given exploded assembly drawing.
! Important: Pay attention that the Safety Rope is con-
nected to the Karabiner above and below the Spring
and that the Spring Cover is pulled over the Spring !
2. Open the Baby Hammock Sling.
3. Fix the Baby Hammock Sling with both rings to the Sa-
fety Karabiner and turn the safety closure round until
completely locked. Please check if the safety closure
is completely locked.
4. Place the Wooden Bar between both lengths of fabric
by leading the fabric into the notch of the Wooden Bar.
You may use the existing loops to fix the Wooden Bar
but you can also vary the height (See: Adjustment of
the lying position).
Align the Wooden Bar in such a way that it is arranged
horizontally to the bottom of the BabyBubu. If you
have fixed the right position please fasten the Laces to
prevent the lengths of fabric from slipping out.
5. Now you can slide the Mattress in the insertion below
the Hammock Sling at the foot end.
6. Please note that the Mattress slide-in is equipped
with an additional internal touch fastener to prevent
the Mattress from shifting. Open it before sliding the
Mattress in the insertion and close it as soon as the
Mattress is in the right position.
7. Now fold the remaining fabric at the end of the Mat-
tress (edge of the mattress) and turn it down under
the Mattress.
8. Before using the Baby Hammock, please check the
distance between the Baby Hammock Sling and the
! Important: By using BabyBubu as a Baby Hammock it
must be ensured that the lowest point of the BabyBubu,
in the unloaded state, is 50cm above the ground !
9. If you then lay your baby down into the Baby Ham-
mock Sling, you may close the Baby Hammock side-
wards with the pushbuttons.
1. Mounting instructions