Documentation KNXEASY
b.a.b-technologie gmbh
KNXEASY version. 1
Figure 19: Alarms list
Click on “Add” to add a new alarm, on “Edit” to edit an existing alarm and on “Delete” to delete an alarm.
An alarm is specified by a KNX group address, a limit value and a comparator “<=” or “>=”. For example
click on “Add” in order to add a new alarm.
Figure 20: Alarm configuration
In the "Group address" field, you can choose a group address in the list. This list contains every group
addresses in your ETS4 project having its datatype configured.
Figure 21: Group addresses list
You must import an ETS4 project containing the group addresses used as alarms. In addition the
datatype of each group address needs to be configured. Indeed without the datatype there is no
way to interpret the raw data contained in the KNX telegram as a real value. Thus, no way to
compare it with the limit value. In this example the group address “14/2/5" has the datatype