© 2023 Baader Planetarium GmbH
1. A tilter can tilt the camera so far that no more interference occurs. However, it
may be necessary to tilt the camera so much that, with large sensors, even at
f/30, parts of the sensor are no longer in the focal plane.
2. An ADC (Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector) can also effectively eliminate the
Newtonian rings and is better suited for this than a tilter. Make sure that the ADC
has sufficient free aperture.
• When photographing solar structures, it can be useful to use guiding with an
autoguider even for the sun, so that the structures remain centred in the image for
a long time. You can connect a guiding camera via the VarioFinder with a suitab-
le solar filter (see p. 19). Software such as Sharpcap offers the option of "feature
tracking" to also track sunspots.
• Take flats to compensate for dirt on the sensor or on the telescope.