© 2023 Baader Planetarium GmbH
Quick Start
In this manual we will describe the possible configurations of your new SolarSpec-
trum filter in detail. In general, you will probably have talked with your dealer before
purchase, so that you will already have a set matched to your telescope. Then it is
easy to use it for observing the sun:
1. Place the Dielectric Energy Reflecting Filter (D-ERF) on your telescope
2. Cover or remove finder scopes, guide scopes and other optics that may be present
on your telescope, or install suitable solar filters on them
3. Connect the telecentric to the H-alpha-filter
4. Connect the telezentric together with the H-alpha-filter at your telescope
5. Install star diagonal, eyepiece and extension tubes behind the H-alpha-filter
6. Connect the control unit to the H-alpha filter and connect it to the power supply.
The display shows how the filter is heating up until it reaches its operating tempera-
ture. The display either goes from negative values to 0 (= operating temperature), or
the two displays (current and target temperature) approach the same temperature –
depending on the controller used
7. Point the telescope at the sun and wait, until the filter has reached its operating
temperature. Wait a couple of minutes, until the whole filter is on the same tempe-
8. Have fun!
Sample configuration of a SolarSpectrum H-alpha-filter
Attention: The H-alpha filter is sensitive to frost and
not be
stored below 0 °C . It may be used at temperatures down to -10 °C
as long as the heating element is active; we recommend to insulate
the filter at cold temperatures .