Memory Hole
In order to improve performance, certain space in memory is reserved for ISA
cards. This memory must be mapped into the memory space below 16MB. This
field allows you to decide the memory mapping.
Read Around Write : (
default setting : “Disabled” )
DRAM optimization feature: If a memory read is addressed to a location whose
latest write is being held in a buffer before being written to memory, the read is
satisfied through the buffer contents, and the read is not sent to the DRAM,
Concurrent PCI/Host : (
default setting : “Disabled” )
When disable, CPU bus will be occupied during the entire PCI operation period.
System BIOS Cacheable
allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at F0000h-FFFFFh,
resulting in better system performance. However, if any program writes to this
memory area, a system error may result.
Video RAM Cacheable:
default setting : “Disabled” )
Select Enabled allows caching of the video RAM , resulting in better system
performance. However, if any program writes to this memory area, a system error
may result.
Video RAM access cached
Video RAM access not cached
AGP Aperture Size (MB) : (
default setting: 64MB )
Select the size of the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) aperture. The aperture is a
portion of the PCI memory address range dedicated for graphics memory address
space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without any
translation. .
( Default setting: “Enabled” )
Enable this field will make the board support 2X AGP card. If you select “Disable”,
then onle 1X AGP card will be supported by this mainboard.
OnChip USB:
( Default setting: “Enabled” )
There are two USB port on the mainboard. If you want to install another USB
interface card on the mainboard and connect the USB devices to it. Then you will
have to “Disable” this field and make the onboard USB port inactive.