All motor craft not documented by the U.S. coast guard must display registration numbers. Every
boat equipped with propulsion machinery of any type must be registered in the main state of usage.
In nearly all states this means registration with the designated state agency. In a few jurisdictions,
the coast guard retains registration authority. Registration numbers and validation stickers must be
displayed on the boat according to regulations.
Your Azure dealer will either supply registration forms or tell you where they may be obtained (a
cost may apply). The registration agency will issue a certificate, which must be aboard your boat at
all times.
Some states and localities have limits in speed, noise and trailer specifications. It is your responsi-
bility to be aware of these laws and limits and to be sure that your boat, engine, and trailer comply.
Consult with local sheriff marine patrol, local coast guard office, or state department of natural
resources for all boat registration rules and procedures.”
The boat owner is legally responsible for any damages or injuries caused by the boat. In most states
this is true even if someone else is operating the boat when the accident occurs. You should carry
adequate personal liability and property damage insurance on your boat as you do on your home
and automobile. You should also protect your "investment by insuring your boat, motor, and trailer
against physical damage or theft. Please contact a qualified " insurance professional to help you.
Plastic refuse dumped in water can kill fish and marine wildlife and can damage propellers and
water intakes. Other forms of waterborne garbage can litter beaches and cause infection and illness.
U.S.Coast Guard regulations "completely prohibit the dumping of plastic refuse or other garbage
mixed with plastic anywhere, and restrict" the dumping of other forms of trash within specified
distances from shore.
Do not litter.
You are responsible for obeying all local laws concerning waste discharge. If your boat has a porta-
potti, contact the Coast Guard, local marina, or your dealer for information concerning these laws.
At Azure we are very concerned about the safety of all Azure boat owners and their families. That is
why Azure is committed to building the safest boats in the marine industry.
You should fully understand and become familiar with the operating procedures and safety precau-
tions in this Manual and the other information in the owner's packet before you use your Azure
Remember, it is the owner's responsibility to be a safe boater, to follow and enforce safety
guidelines, and to use common sense to make safe boating a priority.
You should become familiar with all warning labels on your boat and all safety recommendations.
Please read ALL of the
manual enclosed for additional safety information. Azure is NMMA
certified. For more information go to
Before using your Azure boat, be sure all required safety equipment is on board. This includes the
minimum required equipment and additional gear needed for your outing. Periodically inspect all
safety equipment to be certain it is in proper operating condition. Make sure all passengers know
what safety equipment is on board, where it is, and how to use it. Also, you should understand (but
are not limited to) the following basic safe boating recommendations.
Boating safety and the safety of your passengers is YOUR responsibility. You should fully under-
stand all of the following safety precautions before you use your boat. Please take safe boating
seriously for the safety of yourself, your family and other water users."