The digital depth/fish finder graph is used to determine the depth
of the water your boat is running in and to help you locate fish. The
graph uses two primary components: the gauge unit and the trans-
ducer. The graph unit contains the transmitter and receiver, as well
as the user controls and display. The transducer is mounted beneath
the water and converts electrical energy from the transmitter into
sonar waves to provide a readout on the graph usually located on
the dash board.
Only some Azure boats are equipped with this graph. This graph
is usually used on Azureʼs “fishing style” of boats and will not
function without a matching transducer, as mentioned above. Please
contact your Azure dealer before adding this graph to your to your
boat. Read the graph operations manual before using this graph.
Azure cannot be responsible for damage caused by tree stumps,
sand bars, shallow waters, and the like due to inaccurate readings
displayed on the digital depth graph or otherwise.
* Speed and Temp. readings may not be available.
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This plug is available on most, but not all Azure boat models. It can be used to operate accessories
such as a cell phone, air pump, flashlight, ect. Please read your accessories ownerʼs manual before
plugging anything into this plug. You can locate this plug on the dash of your Azure by gently lift-
ing up the rubber tab used to cover and protect the plug. This plug has been added to your boat to
provide extra convenience.
Many Azure models are equipped with an AM/FM cassette stereo. Some Azure models have CD
players as standard or optional equipment. In most cases, you can locate your stereo on the left hand
side of the driverʼs console. The stereo is protected by a “stereo cover”. Gently lift up on the cover
lid of the stereo cover to gain access to the stereo. Some Azureʼs are equipped with an “automatic
stereo cover”. With this type of cover, gently push the release button on the cover and the cover
lid will automatically rise up to gain access to the stereo. Note on the following page information
pertaining to some of the stereo systems Azure offers:
The following stereo systems may or may not be on your model of Azure. Please look inside your
Ownerʼs Packet for the manual that matches the stereo installed in your boat. If the manual you
have does not match the stereo in your boat, please contact your Azure dealer for the correct manual.
Please read your stereo manual before operating your stereo. Before changing or adding a stereo,
please contact your dealer. It is important to note that at times a radio frequency may be interrupted
by engine or transducer transmissions.
JBL AM/FM CD Player Stereo Receiver
There are different types of lights on your Azure. Some are for navigational and safety needs, others
are just for your comfort and convenience. Some of the following lights may or may not be on your
boat model. Please contact your Azure dealer before adding or changing any lights on your boat and
follow all laws concerning the use of lights on your boat.