Frequently Asked
This section provides answers to the commonly asked questions on
your ADSL modem.
Why is Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) called Asymmetric?
It is called asymmetric because more bandwidth is reserved for receiving
data than for sending data. This is useful because many users of the
Internet receive much more data than they send.
What are the benefits of ADSL over analog modems ?
Besides the high-speed advantage, ADSL connection is always on.
There is no longer a need to log on and off, no more busy signals and
no more waiting for the connection to established - it is always there.
On top of these, you can use the phone even when the data connection
is on. You do not need to switch between surfing the Net and talking
over the phone.
Will my modem constantly connect near the maximum speed ?
At ADSL speeds, the limitations depend on the performance or load of
the Internet Service Provider that you are trying to reach, as well as
the line condition specific to your location.