the device is unplugged before cleaning it.
Check that all screws are intact and secured and tighten or replace them where needed. Check all metal
parts of the device for any signs of corrosion. If corrosion is found, the device needs to be checked
3-pin and 5-pin DMX via XLR
The ERO 150BSW is fitted with both 3-pin and 5-pin XLR ports to link a DMX signal from device to device.
These are hard-wired to each other and can be used mutually.
DMX terminator and 110 Ohm cables
It is best to use a DMX terminitor at the end of your DMX circuit. This is a terminating resistor that prevents
reflection of signal and therefore any malfunctions on the DMX line. Always use 110 Ohm DMX cables for
optimum signal transmission.
DMX splitter/booster
If more than 32 devices are being used on one DMX line, it is recommended that a DMX splitter is used to
divide the line over several groups. This prevents the signal from weakening, especially if a significant
number of metres need to be bridged between devices.
Use near sunlight / in direct sunlight
The ERO 150BSW is fitted with different optics, including one large, central lens. If direct and prolonged
sunlight is shone into the optics, there is a danger of light concentrating inside the device itself. The
concentration of light inside the unit can cause internal damage or in the worst case, fire. Always protect the
central lens from any direct and / or long term exposure to sunlight.
Power transfer
The ERO 150BSW is fitted with lockable blue and grey power ports for both supplying and passing on power.
This makes it possible to link multiple devices with one single power supply, wall socket or power block.
Make sure to consider the maximum load capacity that a standard flow group can handle and the total
amount of devices (with associated power consumption) that you want to add. In theory, it is possible to
connect devices amounting to approximately 3000 Watts to the grey output of the ERO 150BSW. A safety
margin has been built in here and the device itself also consumes energy.
The information shown in this user manual could be subject to change without further notice.
Version: 1.1
Date of creation and initials of author: 07-10-2019 RV
Date of revision and initials of author: -