step three "Ensemble", and through practice, the leaner may finally be able to ensemble with
Training 1: One Key
Press [One Key] to enable the one key training function, and "Step 1" will show on the
screen. You can press the"+"/"-" buttons to select the song to be learned.
Single Key training aims at duration learning, and there is no requirement for pitch or
correctness. This mode allows mistakes when playing the keys, but the keyboards still plays
correct notes, and the luminous keys will light on according to the correct notes of the
melody, indicating the correct note to be played, and you can play by following the guidance
of the luminous key. In a meanwhile, the key zone in the screen will also show the correct
Press [One Key] to disenable the training function.
Training 2: Follow
Press [Follow] to enable the Follow training function, and "Step 2" will show on the screen.
You can press the number buttons or the"+"/"-" button to select the song to be learned. The
luminous keys will light on according to the correct notes of the melody, indicating the
correct note to be played, and you can play by following the guidance of the luminous key.
You can also learn how to play by following the indicators in the key zone of the screen. In
case of misplay, the melody will stop until you play the correct notes.
Press [Follow] again to disenable the follow training function.
Training 3: Ensemble
Press [Ensemble] to enable the Ensemble training function, and "Step 3" will show on the
screen. You can press the number buttons or the"+"/"-" buttons to select the song to be
The ensemble training aims at the correct and comprehensive learning of the song duration
and notes. The keynote will be shielded for ensemble, and you need to play the correct note
according to the correct duration of the song. If you fail to play within 3 seconds, the
keyboard will automatically play the correct note. The luminous keyboard will light on
according to the main melody notes, indicating the note to be played, and you can play by
following the guidance of the luminous key. The keyboard zone in the screen will show the
correct note and tempo.
Press [Ensemble] again to disenable the Ensemble training function.
I. Timbre Table
000 Acoustic Grand Piano
001 Bright Acoustic Piano
002 Electric Grand Piano
003 Hanky-tank Piano
004 Rhodes Piano
005 Chorused Piano
006 Harpsichord
007 Clavichord Colorpercussion
008 Celesta
009 Glockenspiel
010 Music Box
011 Vibraphone
012 Marimba
013 Xylophone
014 Tubular Bells
015 Dulcimer
016 Hammond Organ
017 Percussive Organ
018 Rock Organ
019 Church Organ
020 Reed Organ
021 Accordian
022 Harmonica
023 Tango Accordian
024 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
025 Acoustic Guitar (steel)
026 Electric Guitar Uazz)
027 Electric Guitar (dear)
028 Electric Guitar (muted)
029 Overdriven Guitar
030 Distortion Guitar
031 Guitar Harmonics
032 Acoustic Bass
033 Electric Bass(finger)
034 Electric Bass (pick}
035 Fretless Bass
036 Slap Bass 1
037 Slap Bass 2
038 Synth Bass 1
039 Synth Bass 2
040 Violin
041 Viola
042 Cello
043 Contrabass
044 Tremolo Strings
045 Pizzicato Strings
046 Orchestra! Harp
047 llmpani
048 String Ensemble 1
049 String Ensemble 2
050 Synth Strings 1
051 Synth Strings 2
052 Choir Aahs
053 Voice Oohs
054 Synth Voice
055 Orchestra Hit
056 Trumpet
057 Trombone
058 Tuba
059 Muted Trumpet
060 French Horn
061 Brass Section
062 Synth Brass 1
063 Synth Brass 2
064 Soprano Sax
065 Alto Sax
066 Tenor Sax
067 Baritone Sax
068 Oboe
069 English Horn
070 Bassoon
071 Clarinet
072 Piccolo
073 Flute
07 4 Recorder
075 Pan Flute
076 Bottle Blow
077 Shakuhachi
078 Whistle
079 Ocarina
080 Lead 1 (square)
081 Lead 2 (sawtooth}
082 Lead 3 (caliope lead)
083 Lead 4 (chiff lead)
084 Lead 5 (charang)
085 Lead 6 (voice)
086 Lead 7 (fifths}
087 Lead 8 (bass lead)
088 Pad 1 (new age)
089 Pad 2 (warm)
090 Pad 3 (polysynth}
091 Pad 4 (choir)
092 Pad 5 (bowed)
093 Pad 6 (metallic)
094 Pad 7 (halo}
095 Pad 8 {sweep)
FX Effect
096 FX 1 (rain)
097 FX 2 (soundtrack)
098 FX 3 (crystal}
099 FX 4 (atmosphere)
100 FX 5 (brightness)
101 FX 6 (goblins}
102 FX 7 (echoes)
103 FX 8 (sci-fi)
Folk Music
104 Sitar
105 Banjo
106 Shamisen
107 Kato
108 Ka!imba
109 Bagpipe
110 Fiddle
111 Shanai
112 llnkle Bell
113 Agogo
114 Steel Drums
115 Woodblock
116 Taiko Drum
117 Melodic Tom
118 Synth Drum
119 Reverse Cymbal
Sound Effects
120 Guitar Fret Noise
121 Breath Noise
122 Seashore
123 Bird Tweet
124 Telephone Ring
125 Helicopter
126 Applause
127 Gunshot
Percussion instrument
128 Percussion
Nation tone
129 Bangdi
130 P'Ipa
131 Erhu
132 Gaohu
133 Suona
134 Dasuo
135 Guzheng
136 Sanxian
137 Guqln
138 Xiao
139 China Percussion 1
140 China Percussion 2
141 Rock Grand Piano
142 Electronic Organ
143 Psychedelic Electronic
144 Water Jean
145 Bright Guitar
146 Orchestra Piccolo
147 Heavy Metal Guitar
148 Crystal Guitar
149 Queer Electric Piano
150 Bright Bass
151 Rock Electric Bass
152 Psychedelic Bass
153 Rhythm Electric Bass
154 Heavy Metal Bass
155 Magic Electronic
156 Bright Violin
157 Atonic Violin
158 Heavy Bass Orchestra
159 Synth Clarinet
160 Interactive Lead
161 Orchestral Keyboard
162 Bagpipes
163 Synth Banjo
164 Japan Synth
165 Church Piano
166 Church Electric Piano
167 Synth Piano
168 Baritone Piano
169 Piano PAD
170 String Piano
171 Metal Piano
172 Light Rhythm Piano
173 Electric Piano Pad
17 4 Classical Piano
Effect Class Guitar
175 Organ Guitar
176 Electric Guitar
177 Synthesis Nylon Guitar
178 Synth Electronic Guitar
179 Bright Clean Guitar
180 Orchestra Guitar
181 Psychedelic Guitar
182 Bright Organ
183 Pick Organ
Electronic Symphony
184 Synth Accordion
185 Bright Violin
186 Stringed Violin
187 Trill Violin
188 Electronic Violin
189 Large Violin
190 Rhythm Orchestra
191 Pizzicato Violin
192 Pizzicato Ensemble 1
193 Pizzicato Ensemble 2
194 Percuss·1on Band
195 BaritoneSynthContrabass
196 Bass Flute
197 Distortion Contrabass
198 Contrabass Lead
199 Violin Lead
200 Cello Lead
201 Pizzicato Rhythm
202 High Harp
203 Harp Ensemble
204 Synth Harp
E!ectron'ic Music
205 Baritone Trumpet
206 Trumpet Ensemble
207 Rhythm Trumpet
208 High Trumpet
209 Synth Trumpet
21 0 Bass Trombone
211 Trombone Ensemble
212 Rhythm Trombone
213 High Trombone
214 Baritone Trombone
215 Synth Trombone
216 Violin French Horn
217 French Horn En$emble
218 Electronic French Horn
219 Synth French Horn
220 Psychedelic Synth Brass
221 Distortion Synth Brass
222 Vibraphone Synth Brass
223 Rock Synth Brass
224 Synth Muted Trumpet
225 Soprano Sax ensemble
226 Hit Soprano Sax
227 Synth Soprano Sax
228 National Sax
229 Metal Sax
230 Baritone Sax Ensemble
231 Crystal Sax
232 Soft Baritone Sax
233 Synth Baritone Sax
234 Heavy metal Sax
235 Church Oboe
236 Oboe ensemble
237 Bass Oboe
238 Bright Oboe
239 Distortio Oboe
240 English Horn Ensemble
241 Pizzicato English Horn
242 Diplophonia English Horn
243 Bright English Horn
244 Synth English Horn
Synthetic Electronic
245 Psychedelic Synth Lead
246 Vibraphone Synth Lead
247 Marimba Synth Lead
248 Metal FX
249 Electronic FX
250 Electronic String Ensemble
251 Wind FX
252 Clarinet FX
253 Organ FX
254 Crysta! FX
255 Synth Sham!sen
256 Electronic Shamisen
257 Bright Sitar
258 Whistle Accord
259 Rhythm Naflon
260 Bright Kato
261 Koto Lead
262 Diplophonia Kolo
263 Baritone Koto
264 Synth Kolo
Bed Pad
265 Environmental Lead
266 Metal Lead
267 Orchestra Lead
268 Glockenspiel Lead
269 Bass Lead
270 Fifths Lead
271 Wind Lead
272 Atmosphere Lead
273 Sharp Lead
27 4 Bright Lead
275 East Nation Pad
276 Atmosphere Pad
277 Electric Bass Pad
278 Electric Piano Pad
279 Clean Guitar Pad
280 Western Pad
281 Sci-fi Pad
282 Meta! Sci-fi Pad
283 Clarinet Pad
284 Electronic Dance Pad
Asian Synthetic
285 Double Ka!imba
286 Bright Ka!imba
287 Crysta! Kalimba