Service Manual
The recommended filters for the product lines in some of the main
configurations are shown in the table on page 34-35. These filters
are produced by SCHAFFNER and TIMONTA.
Other products with the same characteristics may be sufficient,
but have not been tested or evaluated by AXOR.
In choosing the filter, we also considered the current absorption
of its connecting devices. AXOR recommends connecting the filter
before the power supply transformer. This method, besides
offering better disturbance soppression result, also allows for the
use of filters capable of supporting a lot less current, consequetly
they're cheaper (takes advantage of the transformer's ratio).
Follow the formula below for the filter dimensions to be used with
the Microspeed Plus.
I(A) =
P tot
1.73 x V primary
I=is the nominal current in Amperes for the necessary filter.
Vprimary= is the voltage of Transformer.
Ptot=is the motor's max. power absorption in watts(VA)
Ptot=VA=Motor motor power 2+...ect.
Instructions for EMC requirements (continued)
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