Getting Started – Ubuntu
3 Set up the AVHS portal
• The database setup script
finishes by displaying the password for the
account. Don’t
forget to make a note of this password!
• The ST server setup script
will generate a Certificate Authority (CA), unless a CA has been
configured earlier. Enter a passphrase for the CA when prompted. The
script will also generate a
CA-signed certificate for the ST server. Enter the CA passphrase when prompted.
• The setup scripts may prompt for user action, please ignore the messages.
Run the setup scripts in the following order:
% php setup_db.php
% php setup_websocketserver.php
% php setup_webserver.php
% php setup_stserver.php
% php setup_mediaserver.php
% php setup_sthelpers.php
% exit
3.3 System startup
3.3.1 Start the web server
Copy the file
to your Apache virtualhost folder
# cd /home/sts/current/setup/
# cp webserver1-virtualhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available
If the Web App and the API are hosted on a different domains, Cross-site HTTP requests (CORS) must be enabled by the server
hosting the API in the configuration file
Enable and restart Apache:
# a2enmod rewrite
# a2enmod headers
# a2enmod expires
# a2enmod cgi
# a2dissite 000-default.conf
# a2ensite webserver1-virtualhost.conf
# service apache2 restart
To check that the interface is reachable, enter the following URL in a browser (remember that this is HTTPS!):
The ST servers have not been started and are therefore not reachable yet. The page may take some time to load.
3.3.2 ST helpers
Note that ST Helpers will automatically start the Server Watchdog and Alarm Closer.