StorPoint NAS
100 User’s Manual
Section 2: Basic Installation
Basic System Settings
The StorPoint NAS can be configured using one of these tools:
Web browser - The StorPoint NAS Web interface, which is the
preferred administration tool. This method requires the IP address
to be set. See description below.
Text editor - The StorPoint NAS text files.
Accessing the
StorPoint NAS
Web Pages
The StorPoint NAS Web interface is divided into two parts:
The File View page for browsing and accessing files and folders on
the networked hard disks. This page is available to all users.
The Administration pages for specifying configuration parameters
and access rights. These pages are intended for the Administrator
You access the StorPoint NAS from a standard Web browser:
Netscape Navigator version 4.0 or higher
Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher
Follow these steps: