AXIS Q6034-E - Recording List
Storage -
Select a group of recordings based on where the recordings are stored.
Sort -
Select whether the filtered recording list should be sorted in ascending or descending order of start time.
Show -
Select how many recordings to view in the window at one time.
See the online help files
for more information.
Continuous Recording
The camera can be configured to continuously save video to an SD Card. Configure continuous recordings for different stream
Recording Settings
box must be checked to record continuously. Select a
Stream Profile
in the drop-down list and click
apply the new settings.
The recording will be restarted and all previous continuous recordings will be removed if Disk or Stream profile is
Start time -
Shows the time the current continuous recording began. If no continuous recording is taking place the status
will show as Not started.
Duration -
Shows the length of the current continuous recording. Click
to start a new recording. Note that all
previous continuous recording data will be removed.
From -
To play or download the recording from a point in time, enter the year, month, day and the time in hours and minutes.
The time set here is also used for naming the file.
Duration -
Enter the amount of the recording to play or download in hours and minutes.
To view a selected continuos recording, click
To download a selected continuos recording, click
. The package downloaded is a zip file containing a minimum of 3
files, of which the .mkv or Matroska file is the actual recording.
See the online help files
for more information.