C M L - 5 4 8 5 U S E R M A N U A L V 1 . 0
0 6 / 2 2 / 0 5
Continuing with the above example, the Coldfire C compiler produces an executable COFF file,
‘example.out’. This file is copied to the TFTP server base directory for download to dBUG.
Note: If the TFTP server base directory is assigned to the compiler output files directory on the
host PC, no file copy to another directory is required.
Change the dBUG default filename and file type with the commands:
set filename example.out
set filetype coff
Finally, perform the network download with the ‘
’ command. The network download process
uses the configured IP addresses and the default filename and file type for initiating a TFTP
download from the TFTP server.
Appendix 1: dBUG Command Set
ASM - Assembler
ASM <<addr>
The ASM command is a primitive assembler. The <
> is assembled and the resulting code
placed at <
r>. This command has an interactive and non-interactive mode of operation.
The value for address <addr> may be an absolute address specified as a hexadecimal value,
or a symbol name. The value for stmt must be valid assembler mnemonics for the CPU.
For the interactive mode, the user enters the command and the optional <addr>. If the address
is not specified, then the last address is used. The memory contents at the address are
disassembled, and the user prompted for the new assembly. If valid, the new assembly is
placed into memory, and the address incremented accordingly. If the assembly is not valid,
then memory is not modified, and an error message produced. In either case, memory is
disassembled and the process repeats.
The user may press the <Enter> or <Return> key to accept the current memory contents and
skip to the next instruction, or a enter period to quit the interactive mode.
In the non-interactive mode, the user specifies the address and the assembly statement on the
command line. The statement is the assembled, and if valid, placed into memory, otherwise an
error message is produced.
To place a NOP instruction at address 0x0001_0000, the command is:
asm 10000 nop
To interactively assembly memory at address 0x0040_0000, the command is:
asm 400000