Operation instructions | MIE 4-02 | MIE 8-02
2020-11-13 | Technical improvements, changes in design, printing- and other errors expected.
Load license file
Licenses can be loaded onto the headend in different ways:
By AXING support via remote maintenance software (e.g. TeamViewer):
The headend must be connected to a
PC/notebook via Ethernet.
The notebook requires Internet access.
You need a valid software license and the
current version of the remote maintenance
By the user or AXING support via SMART Portal:
The headend must be integrated into the
SMART Portal and requires Internet access.
If AXING support should upload the license file,
the option Allow AXING support must be
activated for the headend.
By the user in the configuration interface:
You have ordered a software extension and
received a license file by e-mail.
You upload the license file (SN.lic) in the
configuration interface of the headend under
Note: The new function is only available after a
restart of the headend.
Click on LICENCES.
The dialog ACTIVATED LICENSES will be
The already activated licenses and their
expiration date are displayed (permanent
means that the license never expires).
Under UPLOAD A NEW LICENSE, select a
Click on UPLOAD.
The upload will take a few seconds.
The new license is listed in the ACTIVATED
LICENSES dialog.
Reboot the device and log in again.
The new function is only available after a restart of the headend.