Appendix B |
Tear Sheets - Specific Use Case Configurations
On Air Light
On Air lights are a function of the Show profile. A show profile contains a Control Room (or Studio) monitor logic. Chapter 4
of the iQx manual has various tables describing GPIO behavior. The Control Room Profile (or Studio Profile) table from that
chapter shows the GPIO behavior associated with the GPIO logic. The below information will define the steps to configure and
associate a GPIO port to this logic.
Select the Shows link to open the view of the 4 profiles.
Select a profile to edit.
In the middle of the new page will be a Monitor Section.
The CR Monitor and Studio Monitor both have a Logic port declaration at the bottom of each. Defining a numerical
value here will enable the GPIO behavior as defined in Chapter 4. In the image, it shows 6707 applied to Control Room
Monitor. Apply a value that works for your facility and press the OK button.
Load the show to the console. If the show was already running, reload the show. Any changes made to a profile do not
take place unless the profile is called.
Log into a device that provides GPIO ports. Navigate to the web page that permits assigning a GPIO port a value. In the
case of an xNode, this would be the Simple Setup link. In the text box to assign the port a channel, type in the same value
that was applied to the Logic port property mentioned above. If the web page provides pin status, you should be able
to see the first GPO go active when the mute status of the monitor is active. Most Axia GPIO ports provide continuity
from the pin to a common pin. The common suggestion is to tie the GPO common to the GND reference on the same
connector. This will provide an active low contact to your logic circuit which will drive the ON AIR light. Refer to the
documentation of the xNode or other device for current and voltage limits of the closure. In most cases the limits will
be good for logic values and not for the power to drive the light. An external device will be needed to interface to the