III -Quick reference
Axess Sepro User Manual
V2.0 |->
III - 3.Navigating
III - 3. 1. The modes
• Automatic mode
for production. This mode is used when the selected
program has been fine-tuned. It allows you to start production, after a cycle
optimization phase.
• Test mode
for mold changes. This mode is used for selecting the cycle to be
run, creating and fine-tuning new cycles.
• Manual mode
for carrying out movements that are controlled by the user.
This mode is used in particular for the following operations:
- Initializing the axes.
- Setting the EOATs and the peripheral units.
• Without robot mode
. This mode is used for operating the IMM without
the robot, in particular when fine-tuning IMM cycles, without the robot unloading
the parts.
• Programming mode
for creating programs. This mode is described in the
Programming Manual.
When you select a mode, you stop the mode currently running.