AVTECH Software Inc.
Room Alert 26W
Additional Screens And Interfaces
The next row contains a field that can be used to modify the refresh interval of the ‘Status’ screen and
a pair of radio buttons for toggling between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature displays. By default,
the refresh interval for the ‘Status’ screen is set to every 60 seconds. To temporarily change this refresh
interval, enter a number of seconds in the ‘Update Every’ field and click outside of the field. The
default temperature scale displayed will correspond with the Fahrenheit or Celsius scale selected on the
‘Advanced’ tab of the ‘Settings’ screen.
Below these two rows is the sensor display area. The sections displayed from top to bottom are, ‘Internal
Sensors’, ‘Digital Sensors’, ‘Switch Sensors’ and then ‘Wireless Sensors’. Next to the sensor block
name will be text indicating the number of sensors currently connected. The display for each sensor
within the sensor block will contain the corresponding sensor label for that sensor, as well as a status
icon indicating the current alert status and various other data. The status icon displayed will be a gray
circle ‘ ’ if a sensor is connected although an alert threshold is not set. If an alert threshold is set for a
connected sensor and the sensor is not in an alarm state, the status icon displayed will be a green check ‘
’. If the connected sensor is in an alarm state, the status icon displayed will be a red X ‘ ’.