WB Mode
Auto / 3000K / 4000K / 5000K / 6000K / 7000K / Manual / OnePush
RG Tuning
-10 ~ 10
BG Tuning
-10 ~ 10
0 ~ 255
0 ~ 255
60% - 200%
0 ~ 14
AWB Sensitivity
Low / Middle / High
Select Item
Change Value
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The color modes inside the camera are designed in such a way that the video output of the camera can match
the current light conditions to produce accurate colors. There are several automatic preset modes and a manual
mode to set the colors to the preference of the user.
WB mode auto
The camera continuously measures and defines the light conditions and acts accordingly. In this mode there are
some adjustments that can be made to tune the image to the preference of the user.
RG Tuning
Red Gain Tuning, increase or decrease red
RG: Set the intensity of the red you want
BG Tuning
Blue Gain Tuning, increase or decrease blue
BG: Set the intensity of blue you want
How saturated the image’s colors are. 0% would produce a black and white image.
Hue or tint
The balance between green and red. 0 is green, 14 is red.
AWB or Auto White Balance Sensitivity
how quickly the camera responds to changing light settings.