PTZ keys (up/down/left/right)
Move the camera in a direction.
Set the direction of the camera to a center position.
BLC (Back Light Control) ON/OFF
Change the Back light control setting.
The Menu button opens the “On Screen Display (OSD)” menu. This menu is visible on the USB output. If the
menu is not in English, please press [*]+[#]+[4] to change the Menu language to English.
Function Keys (F1/F2/F3/F4)
Used to configure the IR channel of the camera. See [c. Camera select] above for instructions.
Blank buttons
These buttons have no function with this camera.
: Menu set to English
: Restore factory defaults
: Flip switch (just temporary flip to view the image flipped)
: Enter into the aging mode, only for quality control purposes
: Restore the default username, password, and IP address
: Clear all presets
Other Key Combinations
Set & Clear Preset
A preset is a specific position of a camera that you save into the camera. A preset is assigned to a num-
ber from 0-9. To set a preset first point the camera in a specific directing and a specific zoom position. Now
assign the position to a number with the button “Set Preset”. You can call the preset by pressing the number
0-9 on the remote control.
Set Preset:
[SET [<number>]
Call Preset:
Clear Preset:
[CLEAR [<number>]
If the position preset 0 has been stored, this position will be called after initialization.