BX Matrix Switching Systems
User Manual
Figure 7-4
Figure 7-4
Function Description:
Linking Methods: In “
” select either COM1 port or COM2 port as shown in
Figure 7-4
; in “
” select 9600 for signal transmission as shown in Figure 7-4
) Exit Function Applications
Function Description: To exit the operating software. Other Applications
Displays the presently saved switching status as shown in Figure 7-5 below:
Figure 7-5
When Video corresponding to Output is open, it shows the Output ports corresponds to the
Video Input ports; when they are close the word None will be shown in red in the above table.
8.0 Communication Protocol and Control Command Code
Communication Protocol: Baud rate 9600bps, no odd or even calibration bit address, 8bit
transmission address, 1bit stop address.
Refer to the “Command list.pdf” on the CD-ROM for the command system.