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Virtual tach
Virtual Tach is the default RPM-sensing method for new remote start
systems. Virtual Tach gives the installer the performance of a hardwired
tach wire, with the convenience of voltage sensing. It is far superior to
any voltage-sense feature you’ve tried before.
Virtual Tach monitors the cranking voltage of the vehicle using a very
fast micro-controller and an analog-to-digital converter. The micropro-
cessor “saves” the base voltage as a reference. When Virtual Tach
“sees” the slightest uptick in voltage, indicating that the alternator is
charging the battery, the starter motor shuts off instantly.
The system has the ability to interface with an Xpresskit module through
the D2D port. The advantage to using a D2D interface is that there
is less wiring involved in the installation. Check the Xpresskit module
installation guide to determine which wires are not needed, and which
options are available.