Hue /Saturation /Lightness
Click on this button to adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness of an
image. This button is enabled when the Color Adjustment button is selected.
You can type values in the text boxes or you can drag the sliding arrow under
the each item.
Hue—specify a value in the Hue box to adjust the hue up to 360° by clicking
on the desired color on the color wheel or selecting a setting on the drop-
down menu.
Note that the level of intensity for a color simultaneously changes when the
hue adjustment is made.
Saturation—specify a value in the Saturation box to adjust the saturation
level of the color. The level of saturation indicates whether the color is pale or
Lightness—specify a value in the Lightness box to adjust the color strength.
These options are available only when the
Color Adjustment button is enabled.