The Reference Four uses a single pair of connectors that should be connected
back to your amplifier/receiver. Always ensure that the ‘+’ terminal on the
loudspeaker connects to the ‘+’ terminal on the amplifier, and likewise, the ‘
terminal connects to the ‘
’ terminal on the amplifier. Connecting the speakers
incorrectly could result in the loudspeakers being connected “out of phase”
this normally results in negligible bass response, and a poor stereo image.
The Reference Four is a benign load, and most amplifiers will be able to drive
them without difficulty. High quality amplifiers of 40W per channel or more
should be more than capable of attaining sensible sound levels in a typical
listening room—however there are real benefits to be enjoyed by using quality
amplifiers with even greater power. Don’t be too concerned about matching
amplifier power to speaker power, in fact, damage is far more likely to occur
when using an underpowered amplifier than a supposedly overpowered
amplifier (though care is still needed in extreme cases).