AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
2.9. Installation Summary
This dialog presents a list of all selected parameters. To continue the installation,
press the Finish button.
2.10.Installation Complete
The Installation complete dialog appears to confirm that AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus
Network Edition and all its components were installed successfully. Press the OK
button to finalize the installation.
If the installation went through correctly, one of the following Wizards will launch
automatically depending on your previous choices during installation process:
AVG Admin Deployment Wizard
This Wizard will start automatically if you chose Full or Custom installation in
Installation type
For more information see the
AVG Admin Deployment Wizard
Note: You must go through this wizard in order to make AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus
Network Edition function properly.