AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
Note: We assume that you have installed AVG to the following destination:
C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8 Admin\
If not, change the paths below accordingly.
To start AVG Admin Console in German language:
"C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8 Admin\Console\AVG8AdminConsole.exe" /lng=deu
To start AVG Network Installation Wizard in German language:
"C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8 Admin\Console\AVG8NetworkInstaller.exe" /lng=deu
To start AVG Admin Deployment Wizard in German language:
"C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8 Admin\Console\AVG8AdminServerWizard.exe" /
To start AVG Admin Server Monitor in German language:
"C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8 Admin\Console\AVG8AdminServerMonitor.exe" /
11.7.Control station users actions
This chapter shortly describes examples how an administrator can remotely control
actions of AVG users on stations.
By default, all actions within AVG user interface are allowed to be changed/
interrupted by user on the local station.
There are three main ways how to manage users' access:
Allowed actions
It is possible to disallow access to different actions on a local station by
managing allowed actions - for more information see chapter Configuration/
Shared Settings for Stations/Groups/
Allowed Actions
Mandatory settings
The mandatory/monitored settings can be used for disabling/enabling various
actions within the station settings. By marking an item as mandatory, the