AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
AVG Settings Manager
The AVG Settings Manager is a tool suitable mainly for smaller networks that
allows you to copy, edit and distribute AVG configuration. The configuration can be
saved to a portable device (USB flash drive etc.) and then applied manually to
chosen stations.
The tool is included in the installation by default and available via Windows Start
All Programs/AVG 8.5 Remote Administration/AVG Settings Manager
Edit AVG configuration of this computer
Use this button to open dialog with advanced settings of your local AVG. All
changes made here will be reflected also to the local AVG installation.
Load and edit AVG configuration file
If you already have an AVG configuration file (.pck), use this button to open it
for editing. Once you confirm your changes by the OK or Apply button, the
file will be replaced with the new settings!