B240 Counting Scale User Instructions
Key in the highest acceptable number for your situation and press
The High limit is now set.
See an example of check counting below.
3.9 Enlarging the weight/count display
You can make the weight/count display larger by tapping the display window. Tap again
to return it to normal size.
3.10 Using an existing database
3.10.1 Recalling an existing product ID
To recall information from an existing database.
Press the
to access the list of products in the database, as
shown in the example screen below:
If there are many entries in the database, use the search box, up/down
arrows or the alphabet list to quickly move through the list and find the
product you are looking for.
Touch the product name.
The main screen will appear with the product name and all the
associated information now active.
Example: You are counting washers and your acceptable range in the container is 99
to 101 washers. Set your low limit to 99 and your high limit to 101 and as you fill your
container you will see the display turn yellow as the count goes from 0 to 98. At 99 to
101 washers the
section will illuminate. At 102 washers and above the red High
section will illuminate.
Move up and
down through
Create new
Product entry
Return to main
Touch a letter to move
through alphabet quickly