Branch 6 - Weighing functionality
Full service access only.
00 - Zero indicator. This determines when the
gross zero indicator appears on the display.
0 -
Gross zero appears when the range is
between ±0.25 divisions.
1 -
Gross zero appears when the range is
between ±0.5 divisions.
01 - Zero tracking. This is used to account for
minor weight changes over time. For
example, when weighing in dusty
0 -
1 -
Fast wide.
3 -
Slow wide.
5 -
Fast narrow.
7 -
Slow narrow.
02 - Balance on power up. When powered up,
the scale determines if it is within its previous
balance range, if it is, it looks at sub-branch
03. If it is not a balance failed indicator will
appear. A typical example of an error is if the
scale is powered up without the weighplate
on the scale.
0 -
Disabled. No test performed.
1 -
-5 to 15%.
3 -
-2 to 2%.
03 - Automatic zero self balance. If enabled, the
scale will automatically perform a balance.
0 -
1 -
04 - Dual capacity switching.
0 -
Allowed for all weight ranges.
1 -
Only allowed at gross zero.
05 - Weight return to zero. When a weight has
been removed from the scale, this
determines how near to zero the scale must
be before displaying the zero indicator.
0 -
Gross zero division.
1 -
Between 0 and 20 divisions.
06 - Hysteresis. This is used to prevent the
weight display from flickering between the
top of one weight increment and the bottom
of the next.
0 -
1 -
07 - Normal balance range. This is percentage
of the capacity that the zero can move away
from the power up balance due to zero
tracking, automatic or manual balance.
0 - 200 Primary capacity (%) multiplied by 2.
For example, 200 = 100% 50 = 25%.
08 - Filters. If the scale is in an environment
where there is vibration, for example in a
mechanical workshop, filters can be applied
so that the weight display remains steady.
The stronger the filter the longer the display
will take to display a weight.
0 -
Default filter (3).
1 -8 1 = Slight filter, 8 = Strong filter.
09 - Minimum test weight for customer
calibration. Not available.
0 - 200 Capacity (%) multiplied by 2.
10 - Maximum correction from customer
calibration. Not available.
0 - 255 divisions.
Service Instructions
Product configuration branches