OR-II Getting Started Guide
Welcome - Finding Information
Finding Information
In this booklet you will find the most important information to install your
OR-II, and get it up and running. Alternatively you can consult the “ OR
Manager - User’s Guide”, and the on-line help information of the
OR Manager program. These are provided on the CD-ROM that comes with
your product.
For using the Avaya Wireless LAN OR-II in an outdoor antenna installation,
you are advised to consult the information described in the “Outdoor
Antenna Installation Guide”, which is also on the Avaya Wireless LAN CD-
ROM that comes with your product.
The “ OR Manager - User’s Guide”
This guide describes:
Examples of various configuration scenarios.
How to setup and configure your Outdoor Router network.
How to view and modify the start-up configuration.
How to monitor and optimize the performance of your wireless links.