OR-II Getting Started Guide
Install the OR-II - Power-up the Device
Power-up the Device
To power-up the OR-II, connect the device to an AC wall-outlet with the
provided AC power cord.
Placement of OR-IIs must satisfy the following installation
Connect the unit to a grounding type AC wall outlet (100-240
VAC) using the standard power cord as supplied with the unit.
Placement must allow for easily disconnecting the access point
unit from the AC wall-outlet.
When powered on, the OR-II unit will perform start-up diagnostics
characterized by a LED sequence. The LEDs will change color in the range
Amber, Red and Green. When finished (after about 60 seconds), the OR-II
will start bridging operation characterized by the LED activity as listed in
Table 2-1 on page 2-11.
If the OR-II does not switch to normal operation within two minutes, please
consult the troubleshooting section of the “ OR Manager - User’s Guide”
(see “Finding Information” on page 1-3).