There are some specific considerations when configuring VLAN IDs in NAT, Transparent, or
Out-of- Path Mode. In NAT mode, you have the option to have a VLAN ID for both the Router
(Internet) LAN interface and the Server LAN interface. Even though the WebMux will allow for
both sides to have the same VLAN ID, it is still recommended that you have a different VLAN ID
for each to ensure complete network separation between both sides.
In Transparent mode, you will only have one Bridge IP address, but you will need to create a
VLAN ID on both the Router (Internet) LAN interface and the Server LAN interface. The
WebMux will allow you to create the same VLAN ID on both interfaces, but this is not
recommended, unless each physical side is on a separate switch completely isolated from each
other. Be wary of routing loops.
In Out-of-Path Mode, you only have one VLAN ID to assign for the original network since the
WebMux only uses one network for both incoming traffic from clients and outgoing traffic to the
servers. In Out-of-Path Mode, the Internet LAN interface and Server LAN interface are bonded
in a Link Aggregation Group, and both interfaces have identical configuration (unless the port
bonding is specifically disabled— reference section on Bond all Interfaces Setup within this
User Manual).
Multiple Uplink/VLAN Support
As of version 8.5.00, the WebMux support load balancing multiple uplink capabilities. You can
configure this feature using the command line interface command:
nwconfig—additional network configuration add/list/delete/install tool
With multiple uplink, you can configure the WebMux to use multiple ISPs and gateways. The
WebMux uses source based routing to be sure that packets that came in from one ISP will
return through the same ISP. All uplinks are useable simultaneously. Once you have configured
farms on both networks, the WebMux will monitor the default gateways of the different uplinks
and failover to any available ISPs should one ISP go down.
To set up multiple uplinks, first log into the command line interface via telnet on port 87 or ssh
on port 77. We will refer to the main network configuration of the WebMux (the IP addresses
created via the LCD setup or the “rec” page in the web GUI or rec_cmdline from the CLI) as the
“original” network. Networks created with the “nwconfig” command will be referred to as
“additional” networks.
nwconfig -A|—add NAME -i|—ipaddr IPADDR [other options] nwconfig -D|—delete
nwconfig -I|—install NAME nwconfig -L|—list [PATTERN …]
nwconfig -R|—replace NAME -i|—ipaddr IPADDR [other options]
nwconfig -U|—uninstall NAME
For the -A or —add case, the -i or —ipaddr option is required, but other options are
optional. Whatever information they supply is used, and what information they don’t
supply is calculated from the supplied information as best possible. However if an