Client Whitelist for TCP Attacks:
It may be necessary to allow certain IPs to make connections that may appear to be attacks.
For example, if you have a third party company that regularly benchmarks your services for
maximum load handling, you will need to allow that company uninterrupted access. You can
use a specific IP address or specify a network range (i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24). Separate each
entry with a colon (:).
Duration to Block Attackers:
This sets the amount of time to block attacker IP addresses. It may not be desirable to block
specific IP addresses indefinitely because of the dynamic nature of IP addresses used by the
general public. You may end up blocking out potential customers in the future. Therefore, this
setting allows you to set the IP blocking duration that suite your needs.
Changing the settings in this page will not require a reboot and is effective once you click the
confirm button.
Activating Flood Control
To get to the Flood Control settings of the WebMux, hover the mouse pointer over the security
menu on top and then click on the flood control link.
You will get to this screen: