ifconfig - display and configure a network interface(s) ip - TCP/IP interface configuration and
routing utility
ip - command for configuring network interfaces and network settings.
ip6tables - allows you to create custom packet filtering for IPv6 addresses for the WebMux.
The changes made here are not reboot persistent.
iptables - allows you to create custom packet filtering for IPv4 addresses for the WebMux.
The changes made here are not reboot persistent
netstat - display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, etc.
nwconfig - allows you create additional networks for use in multiple ISP configurations
and/or for multiple server subnets in NAT mode. Reference the “Multiple Uplink/VLAN
Support” section for details.
openssl - access to the openssl command console
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
ping6 - version of ping command for IPv6
poweroff - initiates the proper shutdown sequence
putallsettings - allows you to import your saved “all settings” files.
putconfig - restore farm/server settings from your PC to WebMux
rdev - verifies current running root partition of the WebMux.
reboot - initiates a soft reboot
rec - allowing configure basic WebMux IP without using pushbutton
restart - restarts the WebMux unit’s internal processes without rebooting the hardware.
route - manipulate or display the routing table. Settings made here ARE reboot persistent.
ssh - ssh client for WebMux CLI.
sysinit - allows you to create a custom startup script. (Useful for making custom iptables
rules reboot permanent, etc) See the “Adding Commands to WebMux Startup Sequence”
section for details.
takeover - utility to temporarily disable secondary WebMux takeover. Useful when doing
firmware updates on paired systems. This utility only runs on the secondary unit.
tcpdump - capture and display network traffic traceroute - print the route packets take to
network host
telnet - telnet client for WebMux CLI.