17 (22)
Avoid sudden loss of stability - Never drag loads from e.g. a shelf.
If the load that
you want to lift from height is too heavy, the loader can tip forward when reversing with
the loader. Never reverse and drag with the loader before making sure that the loader
can handle the load that is being lifted.
Working on uneven ground
Extra caution is needed when using the equipment on inclined terrains and slopes. Drive slowly especially on
inclined, uneven, or slippery surfaces, and avoid sudden changes in speed or direction. Operate the controls
of the loader with careful and smooth movements. Watch out for ditches, holes on the ground, and other
obstacles, as hitting an obstacle may cause the loader to tip over.
Maximum lifting capacity can not be achieved on inclined terrain. On horizontally tilted terrain the load must
not be lifted high. The loader frame articulation should be kept straight when lifting heavy loads; turning the
load during lifting operation will affect the stability of the loader and may lead to overturning of the machine.
Wheels (optional extra)
To make it possible to move the attachment
on level, even, and hard surface, a set of
wheels can be fitted on the bucket.
Install fixed wheels (1) to the front of the
bucket, and turning, lockable wheels (2) to
the end of the bucket with quick attach
Crushing hazard - The attachment may move unexpectedly when unlocking the
attachment from loader.
Always lock all lockable wheels when unlocking the attachment
from loader.