Right Ascension Axis Balancing:
The M-zero LHQ mount has a system of RA axis balancing which is different from that of
German Equatorial Mounts but still very simple.
The balancing is performed in two phases,
approximate and precise. The approximate
balancing, which is performed
less frequently, requires some working on the mount and it is
better to carry it out at home. The precise balancing can be performed in
the field.
Approximate Balancing
perform an approximate balancing of the mount in the RA
1. The optical tube must first be removed from the mount.
2. Unscrew and remove the Allen screws (1a) and (1b) on both
the L shaped lateral brackets and set them aside. Removal of
the screws leaves the DEC arm completely free from the
rest of the mount and therefore it is necessary to hold onto
the arm by hand during removal of the second bracket.
The illustration at right shows the holes drilled in the RA arm to
position the DEC arm at different distances from the RA
rotational axis. These changes in the DEC arm position allow a
rough approximation of the balancing of the whole system. The
shows the two arms without the bracket for
purposes of clarity
The position of the hole
(A-a) corresponds to the minimum
distance from the axis and is used for lighter telescopes. The
(C-c) corresponds to the maximum distance and is used for
heavier telescopes.
Choose the hole pairing that is most suitable for the telescope
you intend to mount. Align the holes in the brackets you previously removed with the desired
pair of holes in the RA arm. Use the Allen screws you also removed previously to attach the
Firmly tighten all bracket screws to guarantee maximum rigidity of the mount during operation.
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