and right limbs at the same time, because this
may cause cardiac disturbance.
● Open wounds or rashes or over swollen,
red, infected or inflamed areas or skin
eruptions (such as varicose veins, phlebitis,
thrombophlebitis and thrombosis), or on top of
or close to cancerous lesions, or over areas of
skin that lack normal sensation.
● Don't use the device if you use a high
frequency surgical ME EQUIPMENT
simultaneously. Such use may result in burns
and possible damage to the device.
● Operation in close proximity (e.g.1m) to a
shortwave or microwave the ME EQUIPMENT
may produce instability in the device output.
● The application of electrodes near the thorax
may increase the risk of cardiac fibrillation.
Caution should be used in the presence of the
When there is a tendency to hemorrhage
following acute trauma or fracture.
Following recent surgical procedures when
muscle contraction may disrupt the healing