Connect the other end of this drain line tubing SECURELY to a standpipe or
drain in accordance with all local plumbing codes.
NOTE: Be sure that the
drain line is securely in place before the use of the water softener system.
When the system regenerates, there will be increased flow via this tubing,
which may cause the tubing to become loose.
Programming the Autotrol LOGIX 255/760 Meter Valve:
Before start-up a few simple steps must be followed to program the Autotrol
LOGIX 255/760 Meter Valve. It will be important to know what your water
Hardness and Iron is before doing this programming procedure. If you do not
know your water hardness, or if you are unsure, you may wish to have it tested by
sending us a sample for testing, or by taking a sample to a local pool supply, or
hardware store.
Your Hardness test results may indicate “Grains”, “PPM”, or “mg/L”. It is
important to note that PPM and mg/L are the same measure and both figures can
be treated interchangeably. If you get a hardness figure in PPM or mg/L, please
divide this number by 17.1 to get Grains.
Ex: If your hardness is measured at
300 PPM, your Grains are 300 / 17.1 = 18 Grains.
Your Iron results should be measured in either “PPM” or “mg/L”. Add your level
of iron multiplied by 5. Add this number to your hardness level. This final figure
will be your Total Hardness Level that we will program into your softener system.
Before programming may begin, the power cord must be connected to the LOGIX
760 timer on your valve. Begin by locating the small locking tab to the left side
and to the rear of the timer as shown in figure 33 on the following page.
Release the tab by pushing down on it and allowing the timer assembly to swing
outward as shown in figure 34 on the following page.
Locate the included transformer power pack, and string the male end of the cord
under the timer bracket and into the timer as shown in figure 35 on the following
Affix the cord to the valve by tracing the other cables as shown in figure 36 on
the following page.
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