Register Remote Consoles to the Base Stations
Each console must be registered separately.
1. Turn off all consoles.
2. Turn on the power to all base stations.
3. Unscrew and remove the cover from the
base station.
4. Press the
Mode button to turn on the remote console.
The screen will tell you to press the register switch on the
master base station.
5. Press the registration switch on the
base station.
The red system LED will flash.
6. Registration is automatic. The screen will show that
the system is getting the network information and then
that the console has been successfully registered to the
base station. This could take up to 30 seconds.
7. Press the Mode button to select OK. The console
will return to the set up screen ready to set up the
system functions.
8. If you have more than 1 console to register to the
base station repeat the steps above ensuring the
first console is turned off before you start.
9. When finished replace the lid on the base station.
To Turn the AA710 Remote Console Off After Registration
Press the left arrow to escape from Set up to
the default start up screen.
Press the Mode button to display the menu.
Scroll to Off.
Select Off.
The AA710 remote console will automatically turn off after
4 minutes without use.
To Turn the AA710 System On for the First Time
Ensure the AA702 base station is powered up.
Press the Mode button on the AA710 remote
console to turn it on. Because the system
is not yet set up, the screen will tell you to press
the registration switch on the master base station.
See instructions below to register the console to
to the base station.
Select mode
Clear to Zero