entities. Edit POI > Click POI > Link Waypoint.
2. Regional Mission
You can select three types of regional missions (rectangular, polygon, and oblique).
You can set flight parameters of the aircraft and the system will calculate and plan
the flight route.
1. On the main app page, click "Mission" and select a rectangular mission, a
polygon mission, or an oblique mission to go to the planning page.
2. Create a project to manually move, zoom out, or zoom in the mission region.
After you select a region, click the menu on the bottom to modify parameters.
Rectangular mission: generate a rectangular region. The aircraft will fly in a
bow-shaped route if the double grid is disabled. This is suitable for collecting
orthophoto data. The aircraft will fly in a route whose shape is like a pound key
if the double grid is enabled. This is suitable for 3D modeling.
Polygon mission: generate a polygon-shaped region. The aircraft will fly in a
bow-shaped route if the double grid is disabled. This is suitable for collecting
orthophoto data. The aircraft will fly in a route whose shape is like a pound key
if the double grid is enabled. This is suitable for 3D modeling.
Oblique mission: The generated route consists of a normal course and four
oblique courses, which is suitable for precise 3D modeling.
Flight altitude
Oblique altitude
Oblique GSD
Flight speed
Oblique speed
Front overlap
Oblique front
Side overlap
Oblique side
Gimbal pitch