Battery AIRBM3V7L
AUTEC - Air series
In order to ensure the maximum battery life over time, please follow these instructions:
do not use or recharge the battery at temperatures exceeding the limits provided in
paragraph 1.1
follow storage prescriptions provided in paragraph 1.6
do not expose the battery to heat sources.
Partial recharge/discharge does not cause damages to the battery, on the contrary, it can
prolong battery life.
Batteries may be recharged and discharged hundred of times, but progressive reduction of
the maximum capacity occurs with use.
Use of altered batteries or batteries that are not the original ones will void any warranty.
Autec accepts no responsibility for any use that does not comply with the limitations
and indications provided, and for any damage that may result from improper, incorrect
or irrational use of the battery.
1.6 storage
Please note that if a battery is not used, it will self-discharge over time;long-lasting storage
may also lead to permanent capacity loss.
If you expect not to use the battery for a long time, it is recommended to store it in a cool
and dry place, in order to ensure its maximum lifetime.
The following table shows the residual battery capacity in comparison to its nominal value,
depending on the storage temperature and period.
Temperature range
residual capacity
45 to 60°C (113 to 140°F)
1 month
25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F)
3 months
-20 to 25°C (-4 to 77°F)
1 year
This table refers to a battery stored at half charge (voltage between 3.75V and 3.85V), which
is the ideal condition for storage. Batteries stored at half charge will last at least three times
more than batteries stored at full charge.
For example, if storing at a temperature from -20 to 25°C (from -4 to 77°F), it is recommended
to run a charge-discharge cycle for the battery every 90 days. After each charge-discharge
cycle, bring the battery back to the ideal half charge condition before storing it again.
In addition, pay attention not to store batteries at low charge levels. In this case, self-discharge
may drop the battery to such a low charge level that it will no more be possible to recharge it.
Do not store fully charged or completely flat batteries for a long time.